The Wisdom, archived.

Preserving Wisdom for the Next Generations

The Story

We are living in an era of great confusion where a social divide happens between the old and the young. Each generations have completely different world views, life goals, social responsibilities and priorities. The generation divide has gotten worse caused by the adverse effect of sensational journalism and proliferation of algorithms in social media; all of which created the echo chambers among individuals. The next generations are the future of our world, unfortunately the social divide has created so much mistrust that the there is little exchange of ideas and wisdom happening between the old generations and the new generations. Some of the focus has been about blaming each other’s generations while we should start understanding each other and learning from the past generation’s mistakes and successes.


The Vision

We believe that as millennials who in our view are the vanguard of the old and the new generations; have that responsibility to bridge the two. We firmly believe in creating empathy and understanding via personal story telling. There are so much wisdom from great leaders of our world that should be passed on to future generations. We want to archive invaluable individual stories, archive experiences, all in all – Wisdom – and pass on to future generations.

This is our personal project driven by our love for stories. We hope that this can be a platform for these veteran leaders to share their experiences and receive acknowledgement for their contributions. We really hope that younger generations will be able to have great key takeaways from all these successful leaders.

Featured Guests

The latest veteran leaders we interviewed

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